2011 Donors

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Our 2012 appeal for annual fund contributions starts with a sincere thank you for your involvement in the programs of the American Thyroid Association (ATA). Your engagement supports the best vehicle worldwide for thyroidologists to share information that improves detection and treatment of thyroid disease, to advance basic and clinical thyroid research, and to provide a collegial setting for professional development.

What would our professional lives be like without the opportunities created by this unique society? Imagine the impact on your work and career without:

  1. Your network of national and international thyroidologists with contact information available on-line
  2. The premier international organization disseminating leading-edge research findings about the full array of thyroid biology and disease
  3. “Find a specialist” patient resource connecting to ATA Active Member clinicians in North America and around the world
  4. Timely notification of ATA annual and international conferences
  5. Extensive website resources for the public and health care professionals at www.thyroid.org
  6. ATA sponsored clinical management guidelines for thyroid diseases and thyroid cancer
  7. The Journal THYROID
  8. Publications: Clinical Thyroidology and Clinical Thyroidology for Patients
  9. Advocacy for thyroid education and thyroid health
  10. Advocacy for thyroid drug safety and efficacy
  11. Centralized search engine of clinical trials related to thyroid disease
  12. A source of thyroid research grant funding by the ATA
  13. Consistent new information organized with you in mind
  14. Fellows’ Corner to support and encourage new endocrinology specialists
  15. A society dedicated to thyroidology supporting educational and association benefits for trainees in endocrinology, and other specialties.

The philanthropic support of our members and friends, above and beyond annual dues, permits the ATA to provide this variety and extent of valuable services. Please consider a donation of $250, $500, $1,000, $5000 or another amount that reflects the benefit you receive from ATA activities. These funds will be dedicated to support the ATA:

  • Thyroid Guidelines under development,
  • Research Grant program,
  • Career Advancement and Trainees Program, including travel grants, specialized educational tracks for clinical, basic and surgical fellows, and the online Fellows' Corner, and
  • Online resources for your patients.

Your donation is fully tax-deductible and goes directly to sustaining these programs that ultimately improve thyroid patients' lives. You may donate by way of these 3 methods: 1) online at www.thyroid.org, 2) call the office with your payment information or 3) mail in a check made payable to the American Thyroid Association. Thank you for your generosity and devotion to the ATA!

Sincerely yours,

James A. Fagin, MD John C. Morris, MD
James A. Fagin, MD
President, ATA
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
John C. Morris, MD
Secretary/ COO, ATA
Mayo Clinic

Annual Fund