1st Call for ATA Dues Renewal 2013 - Renew Online Today!

Your dues renewal for 2013 supports ATA programs and services and your collegial, professional home for all those devoted to the thyroid.

  1. Renew your membership online today on the ATA website www.thyroid.org.
  2. Select 'Members' Only' to login.
  3. Access the 'Pay Dues' under quick links.
  4. Renew by December 15, 2012 for the lowest rate

Thank you for your support of the ATA and your continued participation in 2013!

Survey of Current Approaches to Non-diagnostic FNA from Solid Thyroid Nodules IRB#:12-002536

Dear Colleagues,

This survey will take approximately 5-8 minutes of your time and it consists of 17 questions. They aim to identify the pattern of conduct that yields the highest likelihood of satisfactory samples in non-diagnostic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirations (USFNA) for solid nodules. We also aim to identify the various clinical approaches used in evaluating these nodules and clinician's opinion in future research topics in this area.

Obviously, your participation is completely voluntary, and your responses will be anonymous. If you would like to participate please click on "Next" to continue. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me (juan.brito@mayo.edu) or my co-investigator (stan.marius@mayo.edu). If you should encounter problems in filling out the survey itself, please contact the Survey Research Center (surveyresearchcenter@mayo.edu).


Juan P. Brito, MD
Endocrinology Mayo Clinic
Fax: 507-284-5745


This is an invitation to participate in a survey designed to understand the clinician's decision and technical approach to the scenario of non-diagnostic* ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirations for solid nodules.

Your opinion is essential to improve health care delivery and establish new goals for research in this field.

*Note: This survey does not address the indeterminate nodules (adequate cytopathology material with indeterminate result e.g. ACUS/FLUS, follicular neoplasm, etc).

Click here to access the survey.

ATA Welcomes New Members

The ATA welcomes 241 new members in 2012 as of October 18, 2012 (63 Active, 153 Associates , 25 Corresponding).


Meet 5 of our newest members and learn why they joined the ATA!

2012 Fellows' Track

The 2012 Clinical Fellows' Track at the recent ATA Annual Meeting was a great success. 148 clinical fellows from 22 countries registered, including 30 surgical fellows.

This year's Clinical Fellows' Track—the 8th such program—built on the successes of the previous programs and aimed to provide fellows with the chance to interact directly with ATA faculty with a range of expertise and experience—not only endocrinologists, but also endocrine surgeons and pathologists. more..

American Thyroid Association Spring Symposium and Research Summit 2013
American Thyroid Association Spring Symposium and Research Summit 2013

Treatment of Hypothyroidism: Exploring the Possibilities
April 25 — 26, 2013
Westin City Center

Washington, DC

Save the Date
83nd Annual Meeting of the ATA

83rd Annual Meeting of the American Thyroid Association
October 16 - 20, 2013
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Sheraton Puerto Rico Convention Center Hotel

American Thyroid Association (ATA) Call for Proposals for Research Grants Deadline: January 31, 2013

The American Thyroid Association (ATA) is pleased to announce the availability of funds to support new investigator initiated research projects in the area of thyroid function and disease. Topics may include, but are not limited to, Thyroid Autoimmunity, Iodine Uptake and Metabolism, Thyroid Cancer, Medullary Thyroid Cancer, Clinical Disorders of Thyroid Function, Thyroid Hormone Action and Metabolism, Thyroid Imaging, Thyroid Nodules and Goiter, Thyroid and Pregnancy, Thyroid Development and the Brain. more..

Research Grant Submission site now open


Secretary's UpdateJohn Morris, MD
Secretary/Chief Operating Officer

The members and staff of ATA mourn the recent passing of ATA member Aldo Pinchera, MD, Professor Emeritus of Endocrinology at the University of Pisa, Italy, and a longstanding and widely respected member of the ATA. Aldo was a leader in the discipline of thyroidology—with extensive expertise in areas ranging from thyroid autoimmunity, endemic goiter and iodine metabolism and deficiency, thyroid cancer, and parathyroid disorders to calcium metabolism to obesity. In the weeks to come, you will likely see numerous memorials to Aldo, each one recognizing the remarkable number of awards and honors he received as well as his service on many international committees, societies, and task force groups that he led or contributed to as a member. Aldo was a close friend and colleague of many and a devoted member of ATA who came to every meeting possible. His quick wit and generous smile always had a way of making one feel at ease and welcome. Many in our society who were fortunate enough to attend this year's ETA meeting in Pisa enjoyed a special lecture by Anthony Weetman that was presented in Aldo's honor. For those who could not attend, a highlight of the lecture were the remarks on Aldo's many noted accomplishments and the standing ovation to follow. more ...

Thyroid April 2012

Volume 22, Number 10
Now available online through members only
Editor-in Chief
Charles H. Emerson, MD

Clinical Thyroidology

Volume 24, Issue 10, October 2012
Now available online
Editor-in Chief
Jerome M. Hershman, MD


Volume 5, Issue 10, 2012
Now available online
Editor-in Chief
Alan P. Farwell, MD

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We are pleased to announce that the American Thyroid Association is now on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube


American Thyroid Association
6066 Leesburg Pike, Suite 550
Falls Church, Virginia 22041
703 998-8890

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