ATA Signal Member News
Victor J. Bernet, MD
Victor J. Bernet, MD Secretary/Chief Operating Officer

Secretary's Update
July 2018

While we are in the midst of the "Dog Days of Summer" presently, in just under two months it will be Fall and the ATA will be congregating in Washington, DC 3-7 October for our 88th Annual Meeting. A recent update from the ATA Office indicates strong registration activity and if the trend persists, we have the potential to break the ATA Annual Meeting attendance record for a third year in a row.

As Charles and I have mentioned in previous messages the Program Committee with Chairs Mabel Ryder and Greg Randolph have organized a truly wonderful program. You should also be aware, that the ATA is holding its first ever Annual ATA Advanced Practice Providers (APP) Satellite Symposium. Please be sure to encourage any APPs in your practice to partake in this this educational opportunity. We will also be holding the 2nd ATA Pediatric Satellite Symposium and the new Latin American International Satellite Symposium as well. Of course, no ATA meeting is complete without the Ridgway Trainee Conference which is as popular as ever with offerings for clinical, surgical and basic science trainees. Having worked in the Washington area for 15 years, I can tell you that Fall in DC is typically a wonderful time of year to visit and is something I miss since having moved to Florida. We look forward to seeing you there!

While one can associate the Dog Days of Summer with a time to lay back and take it easy, the ATA office and leadership continues to run at full speed ahead. In addition to annual meeting preparations, we continue to move forward on efforts with our four strategic goals. As advancing global leadership of the ATA is one of our main goals, we have begun efforts to better advance ATA guidelines and statements as they are an important form of leadership with worldwide impact for both physicians and patients.

The ATA Guidelines and Statements Committee (GSC) started as a task force almost 2 years ago and was transformed into a standing committee during the annual meeting in Victoria, BC in October, 2017 with Jackie Jonklaas and Anna Sawka as Chairs. The GSC was given the charge of defining standards for the development and deployment of all our guidelines spanning from guideline initiation and chair/committee selection to publication and then mechanisms for optimized deployment to enhance implementation of these recommendations into clinical practice. As of August, the GSC will have a page on the ATA website that provides guidance and instructions on the process of proposing either a new ATA guideline/ statement or revision of a standing product. There is a helpful algorithm which outlines the process as well as links for the required forms for the submission. This procedure is meant to standardize, enhance and ensure coordinated efforts ATA-wide for all guidelines, statements and similar products. The GSC with work in close concert with ATA leadership to include the BOD directors.

That ends my message for this month. I very much look forward to the opportunity of interacting with each and every ATA member and guest at the annual meeting which will soon be upon us. Please register for the meeting ASAP if you haven't already!!!!! In the meantime stay cool and enjoy your Summer!!

John C. Morris, MD

Victor J. Bernet, MD
Secretary/Chief Operating Officer

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