ATA Signal Member News
Victor J. Bernet, MD
Victor J. Bernet, MD Secretary/Chief Operating Officer

Secretary's Update
March 2019

March is here and so is the Spring 2019 ATA Symposia "Diagnostic Imaging and Image-Guided Therapies for Thyroid Disease" which is being held at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center on Friday, March 22 from 1:00- 5:00 pm. Our program chairs, Drs Jennifer Sipos and Ralph Tufano have put together what we think will be a very stimulating and educational meeting with a diverse faculty. Based on registration to date, we expect a great showing at the meeting and there is still time to register so hope you can join us.

There have been several ATA related activities of note in the last month. The ATA was contacted by Paul Gunter from Beyond Nuclear about the opportunity to bring a resolution about KI distribution to the Ann Arbor City Council.

Dr. Thomas Giordano represented the ATA at a February meeting of the Ann Arbor City Council and on behalf of the ATA put forth a resolution calling upon the State of Michigan and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to expand the pre-distribution and strategic stockpiling of KI out to 50-miles around the Fermi 2 nuclear power station situated about 30 miles from Ann Arbor. The resolution was successfully adopted and you can learn more at the following internet link:

A second meeting of the Multilateral ATA-EANM- ETA- SNMMI Group occurred in Martinique the second weekend in March. Much thanks to Drs Ciprian Draganescu and Patrick Bourget both Nuclear Medicine specialist who have been able to arrange local funding for much of this activity. This group is working on strengthening the relationship and communications between these four societies who play integral roles in the management of patients with thyroid disorders. The mission of this intersociety working group is to provide a forum to discuss our differences in an open, honest, data-driven, respectful manner. Discussion is intended to focus on areas of agreement and those disagreements which result in meaningful differences in clinical management. The group will propose potential solutions and strategies to address those differences. Fruits of the groups activities can be seen in an upcoming edition of Thyroid® in the article entitled: Controversies, Consensus and Collaboration in the Use of I- 131 Therapy in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer: A Joint Statement from the American Thyroid Association, the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging and the European Thyroid Association. The group has additional projects planned for 2019 as well as making arrangements for another meeting in 2020.

Familiar with the website Medscape ( Many providers and patients alike are familiar with this medical information website. Dr. Angela Leung, the new EIC of Clinical Thyroidology®, has been in negotiations on behalf of the ATA with Medscape in regards to having a regular feature in regards to thyroid health. We hope this effort will allow us to reach a broader audience of people as we support patients in their efforts to get accurate information about thyroid disorders.

Finally, a reminder that the 31 March deadline for both nominations for candidates for ATA president-elect and Directors for the BOD as well as ATA awards is fast approaching. We have many colleagues worthy of recognition The awards include the Lewis E. Braverman Distinguished Award Lectureship, Paul Starr Award, Sidney H. Ingbar Distinguished Lectureship, the Van Meter Award, the ATA Distinguished Service Award, and the John B. Stanbury Thyroid Pathophysiology Medal. For more information please proceed to the following link:

Vic Bernet, MD

Victor J. Bernet, MD
Secretary/Chief Operating Officer

A publication of the American Thyroid Association®

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