ATA Signal Member News
Jacqueline Jonklaas, M.D.
Jacqueline Jonklaas, M.D. Secretary/Chief Operating Officer

Secretary's Report March 2020

This is a time for solidarity among ATA members and a time to support our colleagues. I think it is unprecedented that this is now the third Signal in a row in which we have discussed our global COVID-19 pandemic. It is heartening the ATA members are staying connected through virtual channels and social media.

We have all been making difficult decisions about upcoming meetings:

  • The Asia and Oceania Thyroid Association (AOTA) has regretfully advised us that they are postponing the 16th International Thyroid Congress (ITC). Therefore, there will be no ITC in September 2020 in Xi'an.
  • The ATA was also forced to cancel the 2020 Spring meeting scheduled for May 28-30, in the face of closures and travel restrictions across the country and Canada. We look forward to a time when it will again be safe for meetings to take place.
  • As everyone is aware, the Endocrine Society decided on March 9 to cancel their 2020 annual meeting. The registration for and hosting of our ATA satellite meeting was linked to the Endocrine Society meeting, thus necessitating our cancellation in tandem.

For both of our cancelled meetings, we thank all our speakers: the ATA appreciates your willingness to be available to record your presentations. We are as disappointed as all our potential attendees that the live meeting format is impossible. Our ATA meetings and technology staff are working with faculty to arrange for the content of these meetings to be delivered by webinar.

The ATA leadership and Board of Directors is meeting regularly to consider how to maintain the spirit of the ATA, including continuing medical education, the health and safety of our members, potential timing of a rescheduled ITC, the financial health of the association, and the trajectory of the ever-evolving pandemic.

I would like to take this opportunity to extend my thanks and gratitude to the ATA staff. They have been working, literally around the clock, to monitor the world wide health situation, communicate with other societies, and respond to members. Please join me in recognizing all ATA staff – Bobbi Smith, Adonia Calhoun Coates, Sharleene Cano, Kelly Hoff, Josette Paige, Carrie Prewitt, Claudia Crail-Muñoz and Jane Arrington for their dedication and commitment to the ATA.

In addition to affecting ATA meetings, the coronavirus has also challenged ATA's considerable effects to build consensus with other societies regarding the management of thyroid cancer. The ATA was poised and prepared to participate in the 3rd Intersociety (European Thyroid Association, American Thyroid Association, European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging) Consensus Conference. I wish to acknowledge the Herculean efforts of Mike Tuttle and Vic Bernet towards the Martinique consensus conference, and the dedication of Rick Kloos to the same cause. In the same vein, the ATA wishes to offer support to the organizers of the 14th Annual International Workshop on Resistance to Thyroid Hormone and Thyroid Hormone Action, which was subject to cancellation because of uncertainties about domestic and international travel.

Mike Tuttle, Vic Bernet, Rick Kloos

In the midst of all the current anguish and uncertainty, I would like to inject some happier and more hopeful notes. The Board of Directors is seeking new members. If you have attended 5 recent annual meetings and served on ATA committee for 5 years, you are qualified to be nominated as a candidate for the ATA Board of Directors. Please submit your name or have a colleague nominate you. Our dedicated and hard-working members who will complete their terms in the fall of this year are Ralph Tufano (Otolaryngologist – Head and Neck Surgeon) and Woody Sistrunk (Private Practice Endocrinologist). We will therefore be seeking new members with these specific areas of expertise. Ralph Tufano, Woody Sistrunk

Tony HollenbergThe recommendation of the Treasurer-elect selection task force, led by Nominating Committee chair, Susan Sherman, has been approved by the Board of Directors. Treasurer-elect nominee, Tony Hollenberg, will be put forth in our July/August ATA ballot for vote by affirmation. We congratulate Tony and know that he is well-equipped to help the ATA surmount the upcoming financial challenges. We would also like to express our heart-felt gratitude to the other highly qualified ATA members who were considered for this position. We sincerely hope that we can employ their talents and expertise in other ATA enterprises.

As we are all aware, the ATA is a long lived and evolving society that will soon be celebrating its Centennial. We have just launched our Centennial task force: please stay tuned as the co-chairs of this task force, Elizabeth Pearce and Peter Kopp share their ideas for marking this anniversary and launching the ATA as a powerful and relevant force in thyroidology for the next 100 years.

Elizabeth Pearce and Peter Koop

We express solidarity with all our society members throughout the world and hope that everyone is staying as safe and as healthy as possible during this pandemic. We look forward to a happier time when this shadow will be lifted from our lives.

Best regards,

Vic Bernet, MD

Jacquie Jonklaas, MD
Secretary/Chief Operating Officer

A publication of the American Thyroid Association®

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