ATA Signal Member News
Jacqueline Jonklaas, M.D.
Jacqueline Jonklaas, M.D. Secretary/Chief Operating Officer

Secretary's Report May 2020

The ATA is going through a time of transition in more than one way. Our members are adapting professionally and personally to the challenges of maintaining our activities as we continue to deal with the coronavirus. Strange new words and phrases have become part of our vocabulary: self-quarantine, social distancing, flattening the curve. At the same time, we are all witnessing the resilience and strength of our members as they stay connected, provide education, and engage with colleagues and patients through virtual means. I am sure, like me, you are personally aware of the courage and commitment of our colleagues as they take their place on the front lines, or step up for additional duties and responsibilities so that others can use their skills on the front line.

Our other transition is an exciting one with two components that signal a new era for the ATA. As of May 11th, Amanda K. Perl became the new Executive Director of the ATA. In parallel with Amanda joining us, our beloved Bobbi Smith will assist Amanda with her introduction to the ATA, and as she completes her full time employment, she will assume a new position of Executive Director Emerita. So please join me in offering a warm welcome to Amanda and congratulation to Bobbi for her well-deserved title.

Amanda Perl
Amanda Perl
Bobbi Smith
Bobbi Smith
John Morris, MD
John Morris, M.D.

With John Morris as the chair of the ED Search Task force, Amanda was selected as our new ED through a highly competitive and rigorous process. Read report from the task force here.

We offer our support and encouragement to Amanda as she assumes her new position in this especially challenging time. There are many ATA constituencies and stakeholders who Amanda will be meeting in the next several months. We are planning to schedule Zoom meetings for various segments of our membership (e.g. past presidents and secretaries, editorial boards, and committee chairs, to name but a few) to meet with Amanda in small groups. Please look out for announcements as we schedule these meetings.

Please also watch out for announcements about our two virtual meetings with CME credit "Personalized Approach to Thyroid Disorders" and "Controversies in Thyroidology". You can also review the updates to progress on our strategic plan here.

In early July you will receive the election guide for the candidates for president-elect (2) and directors in the category of "Otolaryngologist-Neck and Neck Surgeon" (2) and "Private Practice Endocrinologist" (2) and for the Treasurer-Elect (1 by acclamation). Current Active and Senior Members will receive a ballot distributed via survey monkey for the election later in July. You will have 5 weeks to cast your vote. Another first-of-a-kind event will be our Annual Business Meeting that will take place virtually on Saturday September at 12 noon during which we will announce election results, to be followed at 1pm by an awards ceremony and the much awaited Van Meter Distinguished Award lecture which will be open to the entire thyroid community.

We have some new material on our website providing information for patients regarding management of thyroid disorders during the current pandemic . We will also be shortly adding material providing advice to physicians about the timing of thyroid fine needle aspiration and thyroid surgery as we continue to function during this time of the coronavirus

Hoping you all stay safe, healthy, and in good spirits.

Vic Bernet, MD
Jacquie Jonklaas, MD
Secretary/Chief Operating Officer


A publication of the American Thyroid Association®

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