2024 American Thyroid Association Annual Meeting

Poster Presentation Instructions

Congratulations on your poster acceptance! We look forward to your participation during the 2024 ATA Annual Meeting and seeing you in Chicago, IL.

In-Person Poster Presentation

All poster presenters are required to create, print and bring a physical poster for in-person presentation using the guidelines below. Please refer to this page for presentation instructions and Frequently Asked Questions.

Pre-meeting Action Items

We ask that the poster presenter please complete the following steps:

  1. Accept or Withdraw — Please complete this form by July 5 or September 5 (late breaking)to accept the presentation or withdraw your abstract.
  2. Edit Your Abstract  – Edits to the abstract body will be accepted through July 12 via the regular call abstract submission dashboard.  Abstracts cannot be edited after July 12.
  3. Register for the Meeting – The abstract presenter is required to register for the meeting by July 31 or September 18 (late breaking abstract) to participate. Abstracts with presenters not registered will not be published and will be withdrawn from presentation. Registration and housing for the annual meeting are now open. The Early Bird Registration Deadline is July 31. The discount deadline is September 18th.
  4. Join the ATA – If you are not an ATA member, we invite you to join the ATA today or renew your lapsed membership to take advantage of meeting discounts. Note it takes 2-3 weeks to process membership applications.
  5. Review Poster Presentation Instructions – Review the poster presentation instructions below and prepare for your in person presentation.


Presentation Date & Time

All presenters have been emailed their presentation session and time. The Exhibit Hall will be open from 10:15m – 4:00pm Thursday, Oct 31 – Friday, Nov 1 and 10:15am ET – 2:30pm on Saturday, Nov. 2. We will encourage meeting attendees to stop by your poster during the designated Poster Review Times . We ask that you note your assigned day and time (sent via email).  Your poster should be taken down at the end of your poster session time slot. New this year – we will have two poster sessions per day.

Electronic Poster for Annual Meeting App by October 1

In addition to the physical printed poster, poster presenters are asked to upload an electronic poster to the abstract submission site by October 1. You’ll be able to make edits to this from October 1 – October 29.To create an electronic poster, please follow these steps:

  1. Save your poster as a PDF file.
  2. The PDF file should have a 16:9 aspect ratio (e.g. 2560 x 1440).
  3. Upload the PDF file to:
    1. The Regular Call abstract submission site
    2. The Late Breaking abstract submission site


 Abstract Presentation Video for Meeting App by October 1

Poster presenters are encouraged to pre-record a short 2-3 minute video presenting their abstracts to supplement their in person presentation and published abstract. Presenters are still required to attend and present in-person. The ATA uses Zoom for recording presentations however you are welcome to use your preferred video recording software or platform. The video recording may be either in Picture-in-Picture format or Voice Over format (which only shows your slides/visual poster). Once you have completed your recording please upload it to your preferred public file share site (such as Vimeo, YouTube, or Dropbox) and provide us with an external-public link. The ATA uses Vimeo/YouTube for video uploads however you are welcome to use your preferred video/file share platform. Submit the external-public link of the pre-recorded video to the ATA abstract submission page by October 1. You’ll be able to make edits to this from October 1 – October 29.

  1. Add an external public link for the pre-recorded video to:
    1. The Regular Call abstract submission site
    2. The Late Breaking abstract submission site

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is my poster number/id? 

Your poster number is the final identifier for your abstract and poster. This number will be used when publishing your abstract as well as in the exhibit hall to identify your poster. This number will be sent you by late September.

What are the poster board size & measurements?

The poster board itself is a 4 feet x 8 feet (121.92 cm x 243.84 cm) horizontal format (approximately 3’6”-3’9” high x 7’5”-7’9” wide, not counting the frame). At minimum, we recommend that your poster is at least 3 feet in length x 4 feet in width.

Does the ATA print posters?

No, the presenter is in charge of printing and bringing their poster(s). However, there is a FedEx near the meeting venue/onsite  Sheraton Grant Chicago FedEx office  and coordinate your printing needs.

When do I have to be at my poster?

All presenters have been emailed their presentation session and time in their acceptance email. Please refer to this email for your session details.

When can I put my poster up? 

An hour before the beginning of your poster review session.

When should I take my poster down? 

Please take down your poster at the end of your poster review session in preparation for the next presentation session, presenter, and poster. Posters not removed by the end of their presentation session will be discarded.

How long do I have to be at my poster? 

You are required to stand by your poster for the duration of your assigned poster review session which is one hour. Afterwards we ask that you please remove your poster in preparation for the next poster session.

Can I present my poster electronically/virtually? 

No. In person participation and registration is required for the ATA Annual Meeting. If the abstract presenter is not able to attend and a co-author will be presenting in their absence please email abstracts@thyroid.org. If the presenter or co-author is not registered by July 31 the abstract will be withdrawn from presentation and publication.

I need a Letter of Invitation for my Visa? 

Letters of invitation to assist with visa applications will be provided to registered attendees only.  Please register for the Annual Meeting as soon as possible and indicate that you will need a letter of invitation in the registration form. Registration and LOI questions should go to thyroid@thyroid.org 

Other questions? 

Email abstracts@thyroid.org