Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The ATA is strongly committed to diversity, equity and inclusion in every aspect of our organization. We will provide a welcoming environment to all our members and to the constituents that we serve. In that regard, we will continuously work to create a culture that welcomes diverse members because we are stronger when we embrace and celebrate our differences. Of equal importance to the ATA is being inclusive so that our members have a sense of belonging through active engagement and participation in all our activities.

We will also seek to provide equal opportunities for every member worldwide. We will be intentional in our elimination of disparities and biases that may exist so our members will thrive and grow professionally. The ATA will continue to ask the important, actionable questions, and create a culture that makes inclusion and equity the guiding principle of every decision and every action.

The process of achieving diversity, equity, and inclusion will be a journey, not a destination. We are embracing diversity, equity and inclusion because it is the right thing to do.

Meeting Site Selection Policy

ATA members rely on professional meetings for networking, education and scientific collaboration. The commitment of any professional society to its members should be based on a society’s guiding values. When selecting locations for in-person professional meetings, these values, and those of the ATA members, must be considered. The ATA will consider the following when planning future in person events:

  • The ability for attendees to feel welcome and safe regardless of their racial/ethnic background, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or eventual disability.
  • The presence of health care policies that emphasize science and evidenced-based practices and promote health equity.
  • Attendee safety including the ability to access appropriate emergency,  reproductive or gynecological care for themselves while attending the meeting.
  • Financial and logistical implications of the event location.
  • Geographic location.
  • Timing of sister society meetings.