CTFP Volume 10 Issue 5

A publication of the American Thyroid Association

Table of Contents


Welcome to another issue of Clinical Thyroidology for the Public. In this journal, we will bring to you the most up-to-date, cutting edge thyroid research. We will be providing summaries of research studies that were discussed in a recent issue of Clinical Thyroidology, a publication of the American Thyroid Association for physicians. These summaries are present in lay language to allow the rapid dissemination of thyroid research to the widest possible audience. This means that you are getting the latest information on thyroid research and treatment almost as soon as your physicians. As always, we are happy to entertain any suggestions to improve Clinical Thyroidology for the Public so let us know what you want to see.

We also provide even faster updates of late-breaking thyroid news through Twitter at @thyroidfriends and on Facebook. Our goal is to provide patients with the tools to be the most informed thyroid patient in the waiting room.

Also check out our friends in the Alliance for Thyroid Patient Education. The Alliance member groups consist of: the American Thyroid Association, Bite Me Cancer, the Graves’ Disease and Thyroid Foundation, the Light of Life Foundation, ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors Association, Thyroid Cancer Canada and Thyroid Federation International.

May is International Thyroid Awareness Month.

World Thyroid Day is May 25, 2017.

In honor of this topic, our lead summary in this issue is a review of the recent ATA Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy and the Postpartum Guidelines provided by Kimberly Dorris, Executive Director/CEO of the Graves’ Disease and Thyroid Foundation

In this issue, the studies ask the following questions:

  1. What do the new American Thyroid Association Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy and the Postpartum guidelines mean for patients?
  2. Should subclinical hypothyroidism during pregnancy be treated?
  3. Does pregnancy affect the progression of thyroid cancer?
  4. Can a new clinical scoring system predict the outcome of antithyroid treatment in Graves’ disease?
  5. What is the efficacy and safety of the three treatment options for Graves’ disease?
  6. What are the treatment options for anaplastic thyroid cancer?

We welcome your feedback and suggestions. Let us know what you want to see in this publication. I hope you find these summaries interesting and informative.

Alan P. Farwell, MD, FACE