Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) is an autoimmune condition that can affect patients with Graves’ disease. TED occurs in about one in every three patients with Graves’, with most cases being mild. In TED, there is inflammation of the tissues around the eyes (especially eye muscles and fat) causing the eye to be pushed forward (bulging), eye pain, tearing, swelling of the conjunctiva (the white part of the eye), double vision and, if severe, it can affect the optic nerve and cause loss of vision. Making an early diagnosis of TED is very important so it can be monitored and treated before the disease permanently damages the eye.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a new technology that allows machines to think, learn and make decisions, like humans. For example, by providing information such as X-rays to the machine, it learns to recognize and diagnose certain conditions and can even tell how serious the condition maybe. Many fields in medicine are now utilizing AI to help with early diagnosis and identifying diseases. This study looks at how good AI is in recognizing and assessing the severity of TED and compared it to ophthalmologists specialized in TED (oculoplastic surgeons).
Lin LY et al. A deep learning model for screening computed tomography imaging for thyroid eye disease and compressive optic neuropathy. Ophthalmol Sci 2023;4(1):1000412; doi: 10.1016/j.xops.2023.100412. PMID: 38046559.