A publication of the American Thyroid Association

Table of Contents


Welcome to Clinical Thyroidology for Patients. This publication is a collection of summaries of the top articles from the recent medical literature that cover the broad spectrum of thyroid disorders. Clinical Thyroidology for Patients is published on a monthly basis and includes summaries of research studies that were discussed in the previous month’s issue of Clinical Thyroidology, a publication of the American Thyroid Association for physicians. This means that you, the patients, are getting the latest information on thyroid research and treatment almost as soon as your physicians. The Calendar of Events highlights educational forums and support groups that are organized around the country by members of the Alliance for Thyroid Patient Education. The Alliance member groups consist of: the American Thyroid Association, the Graves’ Disease Foundation, the Light of Life Foundation and ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors Association.

Please see the important message regarding Thyrogen, a drug frequently used in the management of thyroid cancer.


  • What are the predictors of thyroid cancer in patients undergoing thyroid fine needle aspiration biopsy?
  • Do older patients with hyperthyroidism have the same symptoms as younger patients?
  • Are new anticancer drugs effective against progressive metastatic thyroid cancer?
  • Is it better to extensively remove lymph nodes during the first surgery for thyroid cancer or wait until the cancer returns?
  • Does rhTSH preparation change the exposure of radioactive iodine to body tissues outside of the thyroid?

We welcome your feedback and suggestions. Let us know what you want to see in this publication. I hope you find these summaries interesting and informative.


— Alan P. Farwell, MD