91st Annual Meeting of the American Thyroid Association

Visas & Travel

COVID-19 Travel Requirements

COVID-19 has also impacted travel to Canada.  Please review the impact it may have on your travel here – https://travel.gc.ca/travel-covid/travel-restrictions/wizard-start.

ArriveCAN App

As of May 2022, visitors to Canada are required to download and use the ArriveCAN App.  Visit the ArriveCan App website for more instructions.

Visas and Passports

Every person entering Canada should be in possession of a valid passport and/or identification card. Some travelers will require a visa to enter Canada.

Please contact the nearest Canadian Embassy or Consulate to your home for further information. The process of obtaining a visa to attend meetings in Canada may take some time. You are strongly urged to apply for a visa as early as possible.  For detailed information regarding obtaining a visa and other travel requirements, please visit https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/visit-canada.html

There is an online questionnaire to use to see if you will require a visa to travel to Canada.  Please visit https://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/visas.asp to learn more.

You may request a letter of invitation from the ATA to assist you for travel purposes when registering for the 2022 ATA Annual Meeting. Please email us with your full contact information (full name, degree, company, mailing address, email address, telephone number) to submit your request.

Important Dates

August 26, 2022:
Membership Application Deadline for Discounted Registration

September 12, 2022:
Housing Deadline