Alexandria, VA, September 1, 2023 — The American Thyroid Association® (ATA®)’s new guidance document, “General…
Alexandria, VA, September 1, 2023 — The American Thyroid Association® (ATA®)’s new guidance document, “General…
Medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) is a rare thyroid malignancy and considered a neuroendocrine type of tumor.
Thyroid thermal ablative techniques in North America has been on the rise. These techniques have emerged as compelling alternatives to surgery for benign nodular disease.
There are limited number of studies that have examined patients preferences concerning treatment options for patients with thyroid cancer.
From Clinical Thyroidology® for the Public: Overall, ~ 10-15% thyroid nodule biopsies are indeterminate, which…
Thyroid Journal Program Thyroid®, Clinical Thyroidology®, and VideoEndocrinology™ Latest Impact Factor: 5.309 Special Collection: Virtual Review…
Thyroid Health – Molecular testing in thyroid nodules: it is all about risk of malignancy cytology molecular testing
October 2, 2018—The American Thyroid Association (ATA) will hold its 88th Annual Meeting on October…
ATA Members give podcast interviews on Thyroid Topics at www.docthyroid.com Información Importante Sobre los Nódulos…
Conference News From Medscape Diabetes & Endocrinology Coverage from the American Thyroid Association (ATA) 86th…