The parathyroids are small, oval-shaped glands that tightly regulate serum calcium levels through the production of parathyroid hormone (PTH), which stimulates the release of calcium from bone, increased GI absorption of calcium, and decreased renal excretion of calcium.
Thyroid thermal ablative techniques in North America has been on the rise. These techniques have emerged as compelling alternatives to surgery for benign nodular disease.
There are limited number of studies that have examined patients preferences concerning treatment options for patients with thyroid cancer.
After receiving a diagnosis of papillary thyroid cancer, intuitively, the thought has been that surgery is the next step. While this was the standard in the past, we now know that in specific situations immediate surgery may not be necessary.
New Rochelle, NY, December 14, 2017—A 10-year study of more than 1,200 patients with low-risk…
Thyroid operations are advised for people who have a variety of conditions, cancerous and benign thyroid nodules, goiters, and overactive glands.
October 16, 2013 — Ultrasound (US) imaging is commonly used to diagnose and evaluate patients…
October 16, 2013 — An open surgical procedure called bilateral neck exploration (BNE) has been…
Falls Church, Virginia. Sep. 22, 2012 –Screening air-dried fine needle aspirations (FNA) for a panel…